Advanced Classes

Clearing The Chakra Fields
The chakra fields encapsulate the chakras and the chakra centers. As you progress on your healing journey you may find yourself graduating from healing and maintaining the chakras to healing, and then simply maintaining the chakra fields. If the chakra fields are kept strong and healthy, the chakras themselves will likely stay healthy. In the initial phase however, there is likely to be a substantial need for healing of these fields, and the following meditations will guide you through this process.

Dan Tien & Haric Line
The Dan Tien energy centers and the Haric Line emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. The Dan Tien refers to three major energy centers located along the body's midline, specifically the lower, middle, and upper Dan Tien. These centers are believed to be reservoirs of vital life force energy or "Qi," playing a crucial role in overall health and well-being. Similarly, the Haric Line is an energetic line that runs through the body, connecting the individual to higher realms of consciousness and a conduit for divine energy, fostering a sense of spiritual alignment and personal empowerment. Together, the Dan Tien energy centers and the Haric Line promote balance, vitality, and spiritual growth.

Energetic Activations
Many of our energy centers exist in a dormant or semi-dormant state, which is appropriate for most people, however if you are a healer or fully committed to your spiritual path you may want to activate some of these energy centers to enhance your own energy, your intuition and your healing abilities.
The first two energetic activations on this path are the connection to source through the Divine Channel and the Heart Centre opening. It is likely these two are already in place,so we start this process by slowly building up to energetic awakening # 3.
It is important to prepare the energy in advance to avoid a ‘Healing Crisis’ where more wounds and blockages are pushed to the surface than we are able to heal on our own.
Before beginning this process it is suggested that you complete the chakra activation process and the healing of the chakra centers. It is also best to complete the assemblage point healing and the Protection Of The Angelic Hierarchy. (POTAH)
Finally, it is assumed you are already doing regular work to build your Light Body Strength. This should be done daily, especially after activations.

Energetic Clearings
The simplest way to raise your frequency and improve your protection is by clearing away anything that does not belong in your energy body. We can differentiate between internal and external energy.
The internal energy is energy we have created ourselves, mostly emotional energy or mental energy of various types.
The external energy is energy from the outside that has been placed or found its way into our energy field.
Through this series of meditations we systematically clear various parts of the energy system.

Energetic Reconnections
Reconnecting our energy to source energy is a very useful way to keep our energy strong and healthy. In the early phases this takes some effort and we have a few meditations to help you to do this.
When your energy rises above the lower world you will find it naturally connects to your soul and to source energy and that is a better long term solution. In the short term you may find these meditations useful.

Further Energy Channels & Centres
There are 5 primary components to the energetic anatomy: Chakras, Meridians, Energy Channels, Energy Centres and Subtle Bodies. In this section we explore some of the more obscure channels and centres that don’t have their own category, even though each of these is immensely powerful and transformative in their own right.

Healing our energy is a fundamental part of the spiritual journey as it is frequently damaged by our diet, our environment or emotional state. Healing is a simple and natural process anyone can do, however to be effective we need to be specific about what we are healing. In this section you will find a number of guided meditations to heal different parts of the energetic anatomy, your home and some meditations to do larger healings for the benefit of all.

Karmic Balancing
Your karmic imbalance is the sum of negative energy you have sent to or left with others throughout all lifetimes whilst another’s karmic imbalance with you is the sum of negative energy they have sent to you. These numbers can be measured as a percentage with muscle testing or dowsing.
Karmic balancing is about retrieving your energy and returning other people energy to them. This leaves your energy clean, strong and vibrant allowing for greater clarity of thought and improving your ability to move away from harmful relationships.

Protection Tools
The world we live in is composed of a multitude of energies, some are good, whilst others are not.
The ultimate protection is a completely clean and healed energy body, unfortunately, this may take some time to perfect. In the interim, learning some simple tools for protecting your energy will be useful as you continue your healing and clearing journey.
Some forms of protection are simple and easy, but may not last very long. Other forms of protection take longer to establish but can provide protection for several weeks. All forms of protection are temporary and imperfect but unfortunately, still necessary on our planet.
In this section we share some tools for protection that may help you on your journey.

The Major Bodies
We have seven major bodies that awaken when ready. Most of our work thus far has been on the first major body that I have called the Bronze body or physical body as this is where our physical body, along with our known energetic anatomy resides.
These bodies benefit from some healing and activation work as they come online.